Today trade summary: Monday - Dec 17, 2012
Maxi-Cash M Op-0.425 Cls-0.420c +0.005c +1.2% Trade volume changed 563,000 t=6m& l=on& z=l& q=l& p=e10%2Cv& a=m26-12-9& c=

The spike in price traded does not indicated many has bot into it...(low volume - unlike mth of July 2012), and going into yr 2013, prices on short term may stay afloat for awhile B4 deciding on which way to go...?. If it spike again, then price may not be sustainable...
Pls do ur homework, n analysis.
(Note - This is my personnal view, different opinion is welcome 2share, to balance any info sharing for or against).
Happi speculating...