The Government Investment Corporation of Singapore or GIC has defended its investment in Swiss bank UBS. 
This was in response to a forum letter in Today newspaper, which called for GIC to be more transparent with its losses. 
The letter came after a $2.3 billion dollar loss was made by a rogue trader at UBS.
And GIC is its largest shareholder of UBS with a stake of over 6 percent. 
In a letter to media, GIC said that its investment in UBS was made before the onset of the global financial crisis of 2008. 
And it reiterated that in retrospect, the timing for the investment could have been better. 
GIC also pointed out that during the same period it had made good investment decisions. 
And these have offset the losses on UBS. 
GIC says that its total portfolio has fully recovered to its value prior to the global financial crisis. 
The firm added that it does not disclose strategies or details of specific investments to preserve its competitive edge.
What  Strategic Competitive Edge [SCE] is thErE  ? ? ? ?
tO  cOnceAl  the UBS  lOssEs  ? ? ? ?
tO  admIt  thAt  it  wAs and is nOw a mIstAke ? ? ? ?