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12-Jun-2012 14:16
![]() Yells: "Dont jump on moving train, you will hurt yourself - JIM ROGE" |
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In regards to the bonus, i am not aware of. But, this brothers making lots of money from its businesses. For now, the only counter that is not doing well for them is GP Hotels.  very smart businessmen.
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12-Jun-2012 12:33
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HALT | ||
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Elite |
06-Jun-2012 00:07
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x 0 Alert Admin |$file/BonusIssue.pdf?openelement | ||
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Elite |
06-Jun-2012 00:05
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Aspial just gave 1 for 5 bonus ex bonus on 5Mar 2012...still proposed again another bonus from another website..      
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Elite |
05-Jun-2012 23:54
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thks..I am aware of the proposed IPO max cash....but I heard there was alos bonus even though this yr jus given..this bonus was give based on first qtr interim results..true or not? | ||
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Veteran |
05-Jun-2012 10:00
![]() Yells: "Dont jump on moving train, you will hurt yourself - JIM ROGE" |
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Hi! Starlene, the words are really tiny. Hard to read. I think, a new IPO is in the pipeline. Max Cash.
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Elite |
05-Jun-2012 00:06
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Any bonus issue proposed?   Company Registration No: 197001030G (Incorporated in Singapore) Table of Contents 1. Group Profit and Loss Account For The Financial Period Ended 31 March 2012 2. Statements of Financial Position As At 31 March 2012 3. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows For The Financial Period Ended 31 March 2012 4. Statements of Changes in Equity For The Financial Period Ended 31 March 2012 5. Changes in Share Capital 6. Changes in Treasury Shares 7. Group Borrowings and Debt Securities 8. Auditor's report 9. Accounting Policies Corporation Ltd Financial Statements Announcement For The Financial Period Ended 31 March 2012 10. Earnings per Share 11. Net Asset Value 12. Variance from Forecast Statement 13. Review of Corporate Performance 14. Business Outlook 15. Interested Person Transactions 16. Dividends 17. Negative Confirmation By The Board Page 1 of 13 (Registration No: 197001030G) 1Q 2012 1Q 2011 ChangeS$'000 S$'000 %Revenue 88,789 8 1,175 9% Materials and subcontract costs (51,356) ( 45,193) 14%Employee benefits (10,133) ( 9,529) 6%Depreciation and amortisation (1,506) ( 1,676) -10%Finance cost (1,058) ( 634) 67%Other operating expenses (18,049) ( 16,500) Operating profit 6,687 7 ,643 -13% #D9IV%/0!13 1 4 -7%Rental income 96 3 n.mOther income 585 5 82 1%Share of results of associate company 2,310 6 3 Profit before tax from continuing operation 9,691 8 ,305 Taxation (1,337) ( 1,491) #D-1IV0/%0! n.m17%Profit for the period 8,354 6 ,814 23%Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent 8,057 7,087 14% Non-controlling interests 297 ( 273) n.m 8,354 6,814 23%Profit for the period 8,354 6,814 Other comprehensive income for the period net of tax Total comprehensive income for the period 8,354 6,814 23%- -23%1. Group Profit and Loss Account For The Financial Period Ended 31 March 2012 Interest income from bank balances and affiliated company Group Page 2 of 13 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent 8,057 7,087 14% Non-controlling interests 297 ( 273) n.m 8,354 6,814 23%Earnings per ordinary shares (cents) -Basic -Diluted 0.78 1.39 -44%0.78 1.39 -44%Other information :- 1Q 2012 1Q 2011 ChangeS$'000 S$'000 %Amortisation of intangible assets and prepaid rent 233 218 7% Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 1,273 1,458 -13% Fair value (gain)/loss on forward contracts 105 (45) n.m Foreign currency exchange gain (477) (402) 19% Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment - (4) n.m Manufacturing and melting loss 238 353 -33% Trade in loss - 371 n.m Property, plant and equipment written off 8 267 n.m Interest income (13) (14) -7% Rental income (96) (3) n.m n.m - Not meaningful Group (Registration No: 197001030G) NOTES: 1d. - Employee benefits expense increased mainly due to the increase in number of employees for the financial service business. 1f. - Finance cost increased mainly due to higher bank borrowings for financial service business. 1g. - Higher other operating expenses was mainly due to higher rental for both jewellery and financial service businesses. 1i. - The increase in other income was due to foreign currency exchange gain. 1j. - Fair value loss was mainly due to unfavourable exchange rate of Singapore dollar against United States dollar. 1. Group Profit and Loss Account For The Financial Period Ended 31 March 2012 (Con't) 1a. - Depreciation for assets in retail shops is based on 3 years. 1h. - The higher rental income was due to rental income received from renting out of shops which were not used for its business. 1b. - The Group recognises all inventory, including trade-in stock and sales return stock at their cost values. For finished stocks aged 2 years and above, partial provisions for stock obsolescence were made to take into consideration labour costs for designing and rework. 1c. - The increase in materials and subcontract costs was due to higher revenues from jewellery and financial service businesses. 1e. - Lower depreciation charges was due to reduction in number of stores for the jewellery business. Page 3 of 13 (Registration No: 197001030G) 31-Mar-12 31-Dec-11 31-Mar-12 31-Dec-11 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 . NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment 14,239 14,704 3 07 337 Intangible assets 9,388 9,516 3 5 3 5 Investments in subsidiaries - - 77,601 77,601 Investments in joint venture 25 25 2 5 25 Investment in associates 4,604 2,294 - - Investment securities 23 23 - - Other receivables 4,097 3,891 6 8 4 Prepaid rent 614 - - - Deferred tax assets 3,791 3,243 - - 36,781 33,696 78,036 78,002 CURRENT ASSETS Inventories 90,019 90,858 - - Development properties 2 19,354 262,933 - - Properties held for sales 3,563 - - - Trade and other receivables 1 74,922 135,616 8 2 96 Prepaid rent 410 278 - - Prepayment 1,536 830 5 4 55 Due from subsidiaries (non-trade) - - 26,517 29,783 Due from an affiliated company (non-trade) 3,478 3,478 - - Due from an associate company (non-trade) 16,862 13,600 - - Derivative financial instruments - 60 - - Cash and bank balances 33,976 28,163 1 ,181 93 544,120 535,816 27,834 30,027 CURRENT LIABILITIES 2. Statements of Financial Position As At 31 March 2012 Group Company Page 4 of 13 Trade and other payables 65,313 66,852 9 ,018 5,706 Derivative financial instruments 45 - - - Due to subsidiaries (non-trade) - - 25,419 30,859 Due to an affiliated company (non-trade) 1,310 1,310 - - Due to ultimate holding company (non-trade) 3,300 2,500 4 ,341 2,500 Bank overdrafts 16,008 16,097 - -Provision for taxation 11,963 6,482 1 43 184 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 1 61,587 168,809 1 ,250 11,,225511 259,526 262,050 40,171 40,500 Net current assets/(liabilities) 284,594 273,766 (12,337) (10,473) NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Interest bearing loans and borrowings 1 47,299 136,745 3 95 708 Other payables 6,800 6,800 - - Deferred tax liabilities 4,430 8,110 2 7 27 158,529 151,655 422 735 Net assets 162,846 155,807 65,277 66,794 EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO OWNERS OF THE PARENTS Share capital 42,721 42,721 42,721 42,721 Treasury shares (621) (621) ( 621) (621) Gain on reissuance of treasury shares 123 123 1 23 123 Revenue reserves 1 10,588 104,040 23,054 24,571 152,811 146,263 65,277 66,794 Non-controlling interests 10,035 9,544 - - Total equity 162,846 155,807 65,277 66,794 Net asset value per ordinary share (in cents) 14.20 23.18 6.06 10.58 (Registration No: 197001030G) 2. Statement of Financial Position As At 31 March 2012 (Con't) 2a. - Review of Financial Position Group shareholders’ funds increased from $155.8 million as at 31 December 2011 to $162.8 million as at 31 March 2012. The increase was attributable to profit for the period. The Group’s total assets of $580.9 million as at 31 March 2012 was $11.4 million higher than financial year ended 2011 mainly due to the increase in trade and other receivables, investment in associates, due from an associate company and cash and bank balances. The higher trade receivable was mainly attributable to the increase in loans to customers for the financial service business. The increase in amount due from an associate company was due to advances to an associate company. The increase in cash and bank balances was due to receipts from development property projects which had obtained Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) for Heritage East, Espira Suites and Palmera East projects in 1Q 2012. The increase was partially offset by the decrease in development properties. The decrease in development properties was due to the TOP obtained in 1Q 2012 and more progress billings for projects under development. The Group’s total liabilities of $418.1 million as at 31 March 2012 was $4.3 million higher than in 2011 due to the increase in provision for taxation, non-current interest bearing loan and borrowings and reduction in deferred tax liabilities. The decrease was partially offset by increase in current portion of the interest bearing loans and borrowings and other payables. Page 5 of 13 (Registration No: 197001030G) 1Q 2012 1Q 2011 S$'000 S$'000 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit before taxation 9 ,691 8,305 Adjustments for: Property, plant and equipment written off 8 267 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 1 ,273 1,458 Fair value loss/(gain) on forward contracts 1 05 ( 45) Interest expense 1 ,058 634 Interest income (13) ( 14) Amortisation of prepaid rent 1 05 90 Amortisation of intangible assets 1 28 128 Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment - (4) Share of results of associate ( 2,310) ( 63) Operating profit before working capital changes 10,045 10,756 (Increase)/decrease in: Inventories 8 39 (3,662) Development properties 43,579 10,100 Properties held for sale ( 3,563) - Trade and other receivables ( 39,511) (2,206) Prepayments ( 707) (135) Due from an affiliated company (non-trade) ( 3,262) 1 Decrease/(increase) in: Trade and other payables ( 1,539) (11,323) Due to ultimate holding company (non-trade) 8 00 - Cash generated from operations 6,681 3,531 Interest paid ( 1,058) (634) Income taxes paid (87) (1,011) 3. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows For The Financial Period Ended 31 March 2012 Page 6 of 13 Net cash generated from operating activities 5,536 1,886 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment - 29 Purchase of property, plant and equipment ( 816) (961) Increase in prepaid rent ( 850) - Interest received 1 3 14 Net cash used in investing activities ( 1,653) (918) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Dividend paid to shareholders of the Company ( 1,509) (630) Proceeds from issuance of shares by the Company, net of expenses in relation to a rights issue - 14,580 Proceeds from issue of shares by subsidiary to a non-controlling interest 200 - Purchase of treasury shares - (274) Proceeds from term loans 16,405 1 5,443 Repayment of term loans ( 28,990) (28,496) Proceeds from short term bank borrowings, net 16,320 8,604 Proceeds from finance lease obligations - 84 Repayment of finance lease obligations ( 407) (359) Net cash generated from financing activities 2,019 8,952 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 5,902 9,920 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 12,066 7,375 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 17,968 17,295 (Registration No: 197001030G) Cash and cash equivalents 1Q 2012 1Q 2011 S$'000 S$'000 23,502 15,168 Cash at bank 10,474 12,340 Bank overdrafts (16,008) (10,213) Cash and cash equivalents 17,968 17,295 Amounts held under the " Project Account (Amendment) Rules - 1997" withdrawals of which are restricted to payments for expenditure incurred on projects 3a. - Cashflow Analysis Cash and cash equivalents included in the consolidated cash flow statements comprise the following amounts:- 3. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows For The Financial Period Ended 31 March 2012 (Con't) Net cash generated from operating activities for the period was $5.5 million compared to $1.9 million for the corresponding quarter in the previous year. This was due to profit for the quarter and payments received from its development projects, partially offset by the decrease in trade and other payables, increase in properties held for sales, trade and other receivables and due for an affiliated company. Net cash used in investing activities of $1.6 million in 1Q 2012 was due to renovation of stores for both jewellery retail and financial service businesses and an assignment fee paid for a shop. Net cash generated from financing activities was $2.0 million compared to $9.0 million in 1Q 2011. The decrease in term loans was due to repayment of loans from TOP proceeds. The increase in short term bank borrowings was due to increased in loan drawdown from the banks for the financial service business. As a result, free cash flow increase to $17.9 million as at 31 March 2012 from $17.3 million as at 31 March 2011. Page 7 of 13 (Registration No: 197001030G) 4. Statements of Changes in Equity For The Financial Period Ended 31 March 2012 Share Capital Treasury Shares Revenue reserves Gain on reissuance of Total treasury shares S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 Group Balance as at 1 January 2012 42,721 (621) 104,040 123 9,544 155,807 Total comprehensive income for the period - - 8,057 - 297 8,354- - (1,509) - (1,509)- - - - 200 200Disposal of interest - - - - (6) Balance as at 31 March 2012 42,721 (621) 110,588 123 10,035 162,846 Balance as at 1 January 2011 28,141 (442) 62,000 - 8,759 98,458 (6)Total comprehensive income for the period - - 7,087 - (273) 6,814Issue of shares under rights issue 14,580 - - - - 14,580Purchase of treasury shares - (274) - - - Balance as at 31 March 2011 42,721 (716) 69,087 - 8,486 119,578 Company Balance as at 1 January 2012 42,721 (621) 24,571 123 - 66,794 (274)Total comprehensive income for the period - - (8) - - (8)- - (1,509) - - Balance as at 31 March 2012 42,721 (621) 23,054 123 - 65,277 Balance as at 1 January 2011 28,141 (442) 22,951 - - 50,650 ( 1,509)Total comprehensive income for the period - - 134 - - 134Dividends on ordinary shares Dividends on ordinary shares Attributable to owners of the parent Noncontrolling interests Non-controlling interests of non-wholly owned newly incorporated subsidiary Page 8 of 13 Issue of shares under rights issue 14,580 - - - - 14,580Purchase of treasury shares - (274) - - - Balance as at 31 March 2011 42,721 (716) 23,085 - - 65,090 (274)(Registration No: 197001030G) 2012 2011 No. of shares '000 '000 Issued and fully paid share capital 1,011,674 351,578 Issue of Rights Shares - 69,953 Bonus shares (Note 1) 202,335 590,143 Balance at 31 December 1 ,214,009 1,011,674 31-Mar-12 31-Mar-11 No. of shares '000 '000 5,578 1,812 Share buyback through open market - 868 Bonus shares - Note 1 1,116 536 Balance after bonus issue 6,694 3,216 5. Changes in Share Capital Company Balance at 1 January 6. Changes in Treasury Shares Note 1 - On 17 February 2012, the Company proposed a bonus issue to shareholders on the basis of one bonus share for every five existing ordinary shares in the capital of the Company which was approved by SGX-ST on 27 February 2012. The bonus shares of 202,334,826 were listed and quoted on the Official List of the SGX-ST on 7 March 2012. There were no (31 March 2011: nil) treasury shares transferred to employees under the Aspial Share Award Scheme during the financial period. Company Balance at 1 January Note 1 - On 17 February 2012 , the Company proposed a bonus issue to shareholders on the basis of one bonus share for every five existing ordinary shares in the capital of the Company which was approved by SGX-ST on 27 February 2012. An additional 1,115,600 bonus shares were added to the treasury shares on 7 March 2012. Page 9 of 13 Amount repayable in one year or less, or on demand Amount repayable after one year Details of collateral The Group's borrowings and debt securities are secured as follows:- i) legal mortgages over subsidiaries' development properties ii) legal assignment of subsidiaries' interest under the Sale and Purchase agreements and tenancy agreements in respect of development properties or units iv) corporate guarantee by the Company v) fixed and floating charge on all current assets of certain subsidiaries Unsecured S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 147,298 396 iii) legal assignment of subsidiaries' interest in the Project Account and Rental Account 709 7. Group Borrowings and Debt Securities As at 31-Mar-12 As at 31-Dec-11 Secured Unsecured Secured Unsecured Secured Unsecured Secured 136,036 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 S$'000 161,587 1,250 167,559 1,250 As at 31-Mar-12 As at 31-Dec-11 (Registration No: 197001030G) The figures have not been audited nor reviewed by the auditors. Amendments to FRS 107 Disclosures - Transferof Financial Assets Amendments to FRS 12 Deferred Tax - Recovery of Underlying Assets i) Basic earnings per share ii) Diluted earnings per share Basis of computation 0.78 1.39 0.78 1.39 11. Net Asset Value 8. Auditor's report 9. Accounting Policies The Group adopted the new/revised Financial Reporting Standards (" FRS" ) and Interpretations of FRS (" INT FRS" ) that are effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2012. Changes to the Group's accounting policies have been made as required, in accordance with the transitional provisions in the respective FRS and INT FRS. The following are the new or amended FRS that are relevant to the Group: 10. Earnings per Share Group 31-Mar-12 31-Mar-11 cents cents The adoption of the above FRS did not result in any significant impact on the financial statement. (i) Basic earnings per share as at 31 March 2012 is computed based on the weighted average number of ordinary shares of 1,076,421,436 (31 March 2011: 489,193,801). (ii) Diluted earnings per share as at 31 March 2012 is computed based on the number of shares in issue adjusted for the effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares. The total number of shares amounted to 1,076,421,436 (31 March 2011: 489,193,801). Page 10 of 13 31-Mar-12 31-Dec-11 31-Mar-12 31-Dec-11 Net asset value per ordinary share (in cents) 14.20 23.18 6.06 10.58 1,076,421 631,055 1,076,421 631,055 Weighted average no. of ordinary shares used in calculating net asset value ('000) Group Company 12. Variance from Forecast Statement No forecast for the period ended 31 March 2012 was previously provided. (Registration No: 197001030G) 13. Review of Corporate Performance Review of Group Performance The Singapore economy grew at a modest rate of 1.6% in 1Q 2012. The continued economic growth though at a modest rate, helped to sustain consumer sentiments in Singapore. In line with the positive consumer sentiments, our revenue grew 9.4% from $81.2 million in 1Q 2011 to $88.8 million in 1Q 2012. Revenue contribution from the Property Business declined marginally from $29.7 million in 1Q 2011 to $26.8 million as the Group recognised lower progress revenue from projects sold in 2010 and 2011 as the majority of these projects are near completion. The Group obtained TOPs for Heritage East, Espira Suites and Palmera East projects in 1Q 2012 and SOHO Life! and Onan Suites in April 2012. Although the Group has launched its Cardiff Residence project in 4Q 2011, it has yet to recognize revenue from Cardiff Residence as it has just taken over the vacant possession of the site in March 2012 and construction has not started. For East Village, which was launched in March 2012, revenue will only be booked when the options are exercised in 2Q 2012. Even though construction has commenced for Parc Rosewood, due to the use of equity method of accounting for the investment, the Group did not recognize progress revenue for the project. Profit from the project is recognized based on non-controlling interest. Revenue from the Jewellery Business increased 7.4%, from $36.6 million in 1Q 2011 to $39.6 million in 1Q 2012. The Group achieved another quarter of increase in revenue despite lesser number of stores in 1Q 2012. The Group’s current brand portfolio strategy has further strengthened its products and services offerings to customers. The Financial Service Business continued its sterling growth by registering a revenue of $22.9 million in 1Q 2012 which is a substantial increase of 46.8% over the same period last year. The increase in operating expenses such as rental and staff-related costs was mainly due to the opening of new stores for the Financial Service Business. The increase in sales and marketing costs was due to expenses incurred for the launch of East Village and Cardiff Residence. The Group’s pre-tax profit of $9.7 million for 1Q 2012 was $1.4 million or 16.9% higher than the corresponding period last year. Despite the approximately $2.1 million marketing expense incurred for the property launches in 1Q 2012, the Property Business achieved a healthy pre-tax profit of $7.8 million as compared to $8.6 million in 1Q 2011. In line with higher revenue, the Jewellery Business reported a pre-tax profit of $0.3 million in 1Q 2012 compared with a loss of $0.5 million in the same period last year. The Financial Service Business continued to achieve substantially higher pre-tax profits. Pre-tax profit for 1Q 2012 was $1.7 million as compared to $0.1 million in 1Q 2011. The higher pre-tax profit was contributed by both pawnbroking and retail and trading of pre-owned jewellery and watches. Business Outlook The Singapore economic growth is expected to slow to 1% to 3% in 2012 according to official estimates. The Group expects the modest economic growth to be positive for all its businesses. Property Business The Group launched 3 new projects namely Cardiff Residence, Parc Rosewood and East Village in the last six months. To date, the Group has sold the majority of the residential and commercial units in these projects. The table below provides an overview of our developments: Project Type Total Units Launch Date Units Launched % Sold based on unit launched Expected TOP Cavan Suites Residential 36 Q4 2010 36 100% Q3 2012 Cavan Suites Retail 9 Q2 2011 9 100% Q3 2012 Cardiff Residence Residential 163 Q4 2011 163 83% 1H 2013 Parc Rosewood Residential 689 1Q 2012 626 97% 1H 2013 East Village Retail 108 1Q 2012 100 95% 2H 2013 East Village Residential 90 1Q 2012 90 99% 2H 2013 8 Bassein Residential 74 2Q 2012 58 22% 2H 2013 Page 11 of 13 14. Business Outlook (Registration No: 197001030G) 14. Business Outlook (continue) Property Business (Cont’d) In 2012, the Group will focus on the sales of the remaining units of the abovementioned projects. The Group has commenced demolition at the Cardiff Residence site and construction for East Village. Except for Parc Rosewood which is accounted for using the equity method, the Group will progressively book revenue and profit for all the units sold in accordance with the stage of construction. In March 2012, the Group through its joint venture company with Fragrance Group Limited has won a tender for a freehold property known as Tai Keng Court at $161,110,000. Subject to the approval of the authorities, the joint venture company intends to acquire an adjoining plot of land and plans to develop a mixed commercial and residential project at the combined sites which could potentially yield a gross floor area of approximately 152,302 square feet. The Group has entered into a sale and purchase agreement on 23 April 2012 to acquire a commercial building, Key Point, at 371 Beach Road, through a 50:50 joint venture between its subsidiary World Class Land Pte Ltd and Fragrance Group Limited. The joint venture company is exploring various options including a commercial development with retail shops and offices or an integrated development with retail shops, offices and residential units. The plan is subject to further changes and obtaining of all necessary approvals from the relevant authorities. The property development business is expected to contribute substantial revenue and profit in 2012 and 2013 due to the following reasons: First, based on the units sold in its property projects as at the date of this announcement, the Group has locked in a total revenue of approximately $400 million which will be progressively recognised in accordance with the stage of construction. Second, at current market prices, the potential sales revenue from the remaining unsold units of the projects launched and the projects yet to be launched and attributable to the Group is estimated to be in excess of $700 million. Based on the prices today, the Group would enjoy a healthy margin from the potential sales revenue for these projects. Jewellery Business The Group is cautiously optimistic that consumer sentiments will continue to remain positive in 2012. Revenue from the Jewellery Business is expected to increase in 2012 as compared to 2011 due to better same-store sales as a result of our continuing effort to improve our operational effectiveness and efficiency. The Group will continue its effort to achieve greater sales and rental efficiency by constantly reviewing and consolidating its retail network as leases are due for renewal. The Group will also maintain its tight control over operating costs while working to strengthen the long-term competitiveness of its Jewellery Business. Financial Service Business As the leader and innovator in Singapore pawnbroking industry, the Group’s extensive retail network will continue to drive its growth in 2012. With pawnshops and retail outlets in 24 prime locations in Singapore, the Group’s modern, professional and friendly store concept has enjoyed strong patronage by consumers. The Group expects its loan portfolio to continue its healthy growth this year. Income from the pawnbroking and trading of pre-owned jewellery and watches are expected to grow further. Therefore, the Group expects its Financial Service Business to perform better in 2012 compared to last year. The Group Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Group expects to achieve better profit in 2012 compared to the year before. Page 12 of 13 15. Interested Person Transactions There were no (31 March 2011: nil) interested person transactions during the period under Review (excluding transactions less than $100,000 and transactions conducted under Shareholders' Mandate Persuant to Rule 920 of SGX-ST Listing Manual). (Registration No: 197001030G) (i) Any dividend declared for the current financial period reported on? No (ii) Any dividend declared for the preceding financial period? Yes Cash 0.15 cents per ordinary share 503,048,144 S$754,572 Tax Rate Tax-exempt (one-tier tax) dividendBook closure date 08-Sep-11Lim Swee Ann Company Secretary 17. Negative Confirmation By The Board On behalf of the Board of Directors, Dividend Amount per share 30-Apr-12 On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company, we hereby confirm to the best of our knowledge that nothing has come to the attention of the Board of Directors of the Company which may render the financial statements for the three months ended 31 March 2012 to be false or misleading in any material respect. Dividend Type Total Dividend Amount Name of dividend InterimNo of shares in issue (excluding treasury shares) 16. Dividends Page 13 of 13 Koh Wee Seng Koh Lee Hwee CEO Director 30-Apr-12 |
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22-Mar-2012 17:35
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Parc Rosewood? | ||
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22-Mar-2012 15:35
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Aspial requested trading halt. Any good news...  | ||
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