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Ya gzijiang N Cosco
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21-Nov-2013 15:33
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By    first half  of next year or the outbreak of new ship orders 2013-11-21 07:38:00 Source: International Ship Web  Korea Daishin Securities analyst outlook, with European, U.S. and Chinese economic recovery is expected to drive the ship price rise, the first half of 2014, LNG vessels, drilling vessels ( ship  yard  sale ) as well as traditional merchant order will focus on the outbreak in the first half of 2014 . Clarkson Newbuilding price index in July this year after the end since 2011 (142 points) for 24 months, the downward trend began accelerating upward trend is expected to Clarkson Newbuilding price index does not appear before the first half of 2014 decreased signs . Ship price will end up losing money orders in the first half of this year the trend. Judging from the ship, bulk carrier ( ship  yard  sale ) shipping price will be significantly increased, tanker ( ship  yard  sale ) and container ships ( ship  yard  sale ) boat price rise is limited. The analyst outlook for the first half of 2014 will significantly increase LNG ship orders, is expected to tender LNG ship orders up to 94, of which Russia is 24, Japan 31, as 39 other countries and regions. Korean shipyards are expected to get one of those 39, more than Japan, Russia and other countries Shipyard less 15. In addition, since the first half of 2014 focused on LNG carriers ordered by 2016 and delivered the second half of 2017, is expected to LNG ship newbuilding prices will rise. The analyst expects the first half of 2014, including drilling rigs, semi-submersible drilling platform ( ship  yard  sale ) and jack-up rigs, including marine equipment orders will grow substantially. Since there is no sign the charter contract speculative rigs and drilling platforms orders declined sharply in 2011, speculative orders have been digested by the market, but the 2014 annual drilling rigs and drilling platforms orders compared to the 2011 peak still down. |
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21-Nov-2013 15:22
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Yangziyang shipping industry for two 82000DWT bulk orders 21/11/2013  International Ship network  Recently, Klaveness and Tufton together in Yangziyang shipping industry ( Location  Reviews  News ) custom-made 2 82000DWT bulk carrier ( ship  yard  sale ), the contract also contains options for orders, which is the second time in Klaveness Yangziyang shipping industry custom-made Kamsarmax bulk carriers. Klaveness custom-made two vessels the first one is as a buyer purchasing from Tufton Oceanic, Klaveness and Tufton Oceanic will co-operate two vessels. Through this transaction, Klaveness order to obtain additional options to reduce the potential cost of delivery. |
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18-Nov-2013 13:47
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18-Nov-2013 13:34
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Cosco chief seeks sector survival, an end to cut-throat rate warsNov 18, 2013
COSCO chairman Ma Zehua appealed for cooperation between different sectors of the shipping industry and called for an end to cut-throat competition to survive the longest and most severe crisis shipping has ever known, Xinhua reports. Mr Ma made the statement at a shipping conference and said no company was immune to growing market perils of our times. Song Jiahui, an officer in charge of safety from the Ministry of Transport said the biggest problem the shipping industry is facing now is overcapacity, which has brought the whole industry to a situation of life or death. Mr Ma said the world's container fleet capacity is 1.69 billion TEU, which is 268 per cent that of 10 years ago. Bulk fleet capacity is 707 million tonnes, 237 per cent of 10 years ago. Oil tanker capacity is 503 million tonnes, 167 per cent of a decade ago. The current low shipbuilding price is also luring impulse to build new vessels. In September, new ship orders surged 165 per cent year on year. Mr Song pointed out that the world's container fleet is facing an excess rate of 25.9 per cent and oil tankers 14.7 per cent. Dry bulk fleet's is 26.6 per cent. This already the fifth year of the downturn, the world's economy has fallen to the bottom and is in a period of restructure, which will hinder the recovery of the market, said Mr Ma. To help the struggling shipping industry, the Ministry of Transport introduced a number of measures covering capacity control, restructuring, strengthening administration, easing burdens and improving service quality. Meanwhile, China has created plans to accelerate development of river transportation. By 2020, an efficient, safe and green river transport network will be built up to provide business opportunities for the shipping industry. Besides, the newly set up Shanghai Free Trade Zone will also bring opportunities for the industry. Mr Song said the Ministry of Transport is seeking an innovated and internationally competitive system for the operation and development of the shipping industry with the Shanghai government. China will also improve its market administration mechanism to secure fair competition. The Ministry of Transport introduced a new policy requiring carriers to report their exact price to dampen prevent rate fluctuation.   |
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18-Nov-2013 12:22
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China's shipbuilding industry into the " depth adjustment period"      Published :2013 -11-18 9:49:22  Source: International Ship Network     In the international financial crisis, more than five years on the occasion, some sectors have been showing signs of momentum, but affected by the crisis two years of shipbuilding industry is still lagging depth adjustment.
    " As long as the sea quit, you need shipping, shipbuilding people have the opportunity. Jiangsu unique geographical advantages, such a high-end industrial development no reason not to." Recently, many economic work forum, Jiangsu Province, the main leaders behind shipbuilding.
    To remind the industry, shipping enterprises should change their attitude and prevent a good financial and technical risks, do not rush orders will no bottom line to reduce the proportion of shipowners advance, 20% down payment " red line" should be brought under control. Meanwhile, careful transition to the marine engineering equipment, to avoid blind development. Otherwise, the most difficult, but not drained easily capsize recovery.     " The new ship orders to the advantage of corporate concentration is inevitable market competition." Jiangsu Branch of China Classification Society Fan Qiang, general manager, said every industry has experienced from the " Hundred Flowers" to " Warring States disputes" and finally to " Three Kingdoms" development trajectory , Chinese shipping enterprises have six top 10 in Jiangsu, should seize the current opportunity to integrate the lowest cost, while promoting their own development resources to revitalize the industry stocks.     Zhenjiang Shipyard is the leader in the field of special ship, its leading product versatile full swing tugboat market share first in the country, the newly developed marine platform support vessels also gradually open the international market. " Existing plant already overloaded production, modest expansion to meet demand." Guo Yan said, is looking at near a medium-sized shipyards, full use of its berth, dock and other resources.     COSCO Shipyard is aimed at overseas, planning the transfer batch production capacity. " This is a ship repair COSCO Shipyard started in 2006 repairing contributed 88% of the value of the company, can only contribute 3 percent this year, the remainder by the marine equipment supply." Wang Zhifeng said that in recent years, a substantial increase in the proportion of domestic new ship, ship repair business downturn, excess capacity can only be transferred to overseas, such as the Gulf of Mexico, West Coast, etc. There are many fields but the lack of maintenance of offshore platforms and outstanding enterprises, this is a great opportunity.
    Despite the rebound in orders, but profits fell a lot more than the highest point. For the shipbuilding industry, the " hard" continues. But the day was tough, hope still in. As awareness of the shipbuilding industry in Jiangsu Province: " As long as the sea quit, you need shipping, shipbuilding people have the opportunity."     Then, " austerity" how too? Waiting market, and policy support or expect? Front in the brutal competition in the market, no less than some hard work, really work, these companies are also favorable factors is difficult to translate into tangible results.     Therefore, only the shipping enterprises to take the initiative to the " hard" seize the opportunity, over the more prosperous days. Unswervingly promote the transformation and upgrading, so that " no one I have, I have excellent" , it is a way to seize the initiative.     Specifically, shipbuilding enterprises must first change the past in order to follow the development of the main ways the initiative in-depth understanding shipowners demand, ahead of the development trend of the world's leading ship, to " people I have" embarked. Second, make good use of every aspect of every process, every intermediate products, " quality" , in order to attract high-quality product orders.
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18-Nov-2013 11:37
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中 国 造 船 业 步 入 ?深 度 调 整 期 ?        在 国 际 金 融 危 机 发 生 5年 多 之 际 , 部 分 行 业 已 出 现 复 苏 势 头 , 但 受 危 机 影 响 滞 后 两 年 的 造 船 业 仍 在 深 度 调 整 。     完 工 量 占 全 国 1/3、 全 球 1/10的 造 船 第 一 省 江 苏 , 调 整 进 展 如 何 ?近 日 , 笔 者 从 南 京 出 发 沿 江 而 下 深 入 多 家 船 厂 实 地 调 查 。     船 舶 业 出 现 ?二 八 定 律 ?     ?最 近 新 接 订 单 增 多 , 适 当 安 排 加 班 才 能 保 证 按 时 交 付 。 ?南 通 中 远 船 务 公 司 副 总 经 理 王 志 峰 一 边 准 备 次 日 的 会 议 材 料 , 一 边 向 笔 者 介 绍 企 业 情 况 , ?南 通 和 启 东 两 大 基 地 在 建 的 海 工 项 目 有 14个 。 ?     作 为 国 内 实 力 最 强 的 海 工 装 备 建 造 企 业 , 南 通 中 远 船 务 将 全 国 近 50%的 大 型 海 工 装 备 订 单 ?收 入 囊 中 ?, 现 有 订 单 能 满 足 公 司 2015年 上 半 年 前 ?有 饭 吃 ?, 明 年 产 值 有 望 突 破 100亿 元 。     据 江 苏 省 经 信 委 统 计 数 据 显 示 , 今 年 前 三 季 度 , 江 苏 新 接 订 单 1129.6万 载 重 吨 , 同 比 增 长 222.8%, 其 中 13家 重 点 船 企 占 到 新 订 单 总 量 的 89.9%。     ?目 前 能 接 到 订 单 的 船 企 有 3类 , 一 是 有 银 行 支 持 、 实 力 雄 厚 的 央 企 , 二 是 有 管 理 、 成 本 优 势 的 民 企 , 三 是 自 认 为 受 伤 不 严 重 还 能 撑 一 段 时 间 的 船 企 。 ?扬 子 江 船 业 集 团 董 事 长 任 元 林 分 析 , 新 订 单 向 优 势 企 业 集 聚 的 态 势 很 明 显 , 船 舶 业 正 在 出 现 ?二 八 定 律 ???20%的 企 业 吃 下 80%的 订 单 。     苦 练 内 功 熬 过 ?紧 日 子 ?     有 专 家 分 析 认 为 , 改 革 开 放 以 来 中 国 真 正 有 竞 争 力 的 出 口 产 品 中 , 船 舶 要 算 一 个 , 至 今 没 有 遭 遇 反 倾 销 、 知 识 产 权 纠 纷 等 贸 易 壁 垒 。 造 船 是 熟 练 劳 动 力 、 资 金 、 技 术 密 集 型 的 产 业 , 中 国 比 其 他 发 展 中 国 家 更 具 发 展 优 势 , 未 来 向 中 国 转 移 已 成 必 然 。     ?只 要 大 海 不 干 , 就 需 要 航 运 , 就 有 造 船 人 机 会 。 江 苏 区 位 优 势 独 特 , 这 样 一 个 高 端 产 业 没 理 由 不 好 好 发 展 。 ?近 期 多 个 经 济 工 作 座 谈 会 上 , 江 苏 省 主 要 领 导 力 挺 造 船 业 。
    业 内 人 士 提 醒 , 船 企 要 调 整 好 心 态 , 防 范 好 金 融 和 技 术 风 险 , 千 万 不 能 为 了 抢 订 单 就 无 底 线 地 降 低 船 东 预 付 款 比 例 , 20%的 首 付 比 例 ?红 线 ?应 控 制 住 。 同 时 , 谨 慎 向 海 洋 工 程 装 备 转 型 , 避 免 盲 目 发 展 。 否 则 , 在 最 困 难 时 没 倒 掉 却 容 易 在 复 苏 时 翻 船 。
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26-Oct-2013 00:38
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English version Global marine engineering industry trend showing transfer to China Source: Xinhua Dalian 2013-10-25 13:50:38  October 23 electric Following COSCO Shipyard Group Co., Ltd. for the design and construction of the Singapore Energy Drilling Company marine auxiliary drilling rigs Edrill-1 (N490) was launched successfully, the company recently was awarded jackup drilling platforms and other orders. Yuhang Wang, general manager, said the recent 2012 China offshore industry has developed rapidly, the global marine engineering industry has shown a trend to shift to China. With the global marine industry to shift to China, relying on continued strong demand for marine engineering equipment and the development of marine industry in China advantage, China Ocean Engineering industry promising. Yuhang Wang said that at present COSCO Shipyard in Dalian, Nantong, Zhoushan, Guangdong, Shanghai and many other shipyards to carry out marine operations, started the construction of offshore projects over 30, breaking the Europe, America, South Korea and Singapore and other countries monopoly on the market . Last year, COSCO Shipyard marine industry achieved a total sales income of 9.0 billion, next year is expected to achieve 14 billion yuan. With the accelerated pace of global industrial transfer, the current marine equipment manufacturing section has basically shifted from Europe to Asia. South Korea and Singapore, two strong side by side, which accounted for 37% of global market share and 27%, while China and Brazil in recent years has demonstrated a strong chase momentum. Data show that: From the early 2013 deadline to the end of August, a total turnover of 49 global platform will produce expected after September 20 platform. Platform mainly jackup drilling platform based, where China to undertake 28, for the first time over Singapore. Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd., general manager Yinxue Lin said that Singapore in the semi-submersible drilling rigs and jack-up drilling platform built in a traditional field advantage, but currently under challenge from China. He said the Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. successfully constructed the world's top three deepwater drilling company Seadrill company two platforms Norwegian flag, international jack-up drilling platform construction center transferred to China, China has had with Singapore old shipyards to compete with Taiwan's strength. Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. The main products are self-elevating drilling platforms, has reached world advanced level, since 2003, there have been 18 delivered. Currently, the company orderbook 20. Yinxue Lin said the company independent design 400 feet jack-up drilling platform has entered the international market. Now, China's production of jack-up drilling platform has accounted for about half of world production. Yuhang Wang believes that South Korea and Singapore in the field of marine engineering equipment manufacturing supremacy, dominance will face the challenge of developing countries like China. Meanwhile, American and European countries and developing countries in the field of marine engineering equipment manufacturing and technical cooperation will be more extensive and in-depth, this is the future development of offshore important feature of the market. Yuhang Wang said that China has good infrastructure, including COSCO, including several shipyards are in the high-tech equipment, some success, with the direction of the high-end marine equipment condition. In addition, a growing number of Chinese equipment suppliers or joint ventures are in the development of equipment to the ocean, which causes an increasing proportion of domestic production.   |
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25-Oct-2013 17:10
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Guangdong COSCO Shipyard Offshore platform supply vessels N569 started Source: China Ship Net 2013-10-25 10:27:20 October 21 afternoon, the Guangdong COSCO Shipyard built by the Dutch VROON.BV first two offshore platform supply vessels N569 started. ABS classification society representatives, ship construction supervision team and Guangdong COSCO Shipyard offshore project team members witnessed this important moment. The platform length of 83.4 m, width 18 m, depth 8 m design draft 6.7 m, speed 14.5 deck area of 830 square meters, deadweight of 4200 tons, equipped with DP2 dynamic positioning system. VROON.BV company in the Netherlands a strong shipping company to transport special ship for the main business, with ocean engineering vessels, livestock vessels, car carriers and so many different hull vessels of more than 160 vessels. In Guangdong COSCO Shipyard expand specialty shipbuilding business, the two sides established a good relationship of cooperation. Currently, VROON.BV company has four livestock vessels, two offshore platform supply vessel COSCO Shipyard construction project in Guangdong, where a livestock ship has been delivered, the other projects are planned in an orderly manner.   |
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25-Oct-2013 16:26
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China: COSCO Secures Jack-Up Rig Order  ( news contracts ) Posted on Oct 25th, 2013 ![]() COSCO (Dalian) Shipyard has entered into a contract with Dalian Deepwater Developer Ltd. for the construction of one LeTourneau Super 116E jack -up drilling rig. Based on the LeTourneau Super 116E design, the rig will measure 70.09 metres in LOA, 62.8 metres in breadth, 7.92 metres in height. Each spud leg will be 145.3 metres long. The rig will be capable of working in water depth of up to 350 feet and has a drilling depth of 30,000 feet. The rig will have a crew of 120 and be classed by ABS. This is the third jack-up rig construction project COSCO (Dalian) has secured in 2013, following the two ordered by the British owner Foresight Limited. The construction of the rig will begin in early 2014. The rig is scheduled for delivery in the 3rd quarter of 2015.   |
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25-Oct-2013 16:09
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Vol. 234 No.7 SPECIAL FOCUS: OFFSHORE ADVANCES & RIG INNOVATIONS Latest offshore rig designs geared to harsh environments, multi-faceted activityNew vessels and designs for deepwater drilling and completion areemerging. These designs feature more efficient handling, with increased safety features, for rig equipment, including drilling risers, drill pipe, casing, etc., to attain more cost-effective drilling and completion of deepwater wells. RICHARD R. VERNOTZY, P.E., Contributing Editor, Offshore ![]() that have come from several design and construction companies. In addition, drilling contractors have made great strides in their safety and training programs. These include state-of-the-art mock-ups in driller training consoles mechanical roughnecks and training in drilling riser/BOP/control system handling. According to Technip, which has participated in the vessel?s construction, the Dalian Developer is more than double the size of a conventional drillship, at nearly 300 m long and 50 m wide. It has cargo tanks capable of storing up to 1.0 MMbbl of oil. The vessel also has the deck space and deck load capacity (25,000 mt) to install an oil production plant for processing up to 100,000 bopd. The storage capacity and large variable deck load provide potential clients with significant advantages for operations in remote areas, where there is potentially limited support infrastructure. The industry has been looking for ways to address the risks of deepwater E& P, including oil spills, as well as the industry?s limits in responding to a situation of great magnitude with the right tools and systems. Accordingly, Technip teamed up with Global Well Response Ltd., to transform the Dalian Developer into a drillship that combines both drilling and oil spill containment capabilities. Therefore, the vessel?s production system can be EWT-capable and also act as an oil capture system. In fact, the Dalian Developer is the only mobile drilling unit, worldwide, that is large enough to capture, process and store oil spills in excess of a 60,000-bpd flowrate. The Dalian Developer?s oil containment equipment is designed primarily as an EWT or early production system, which has been debottlenecked to cater to the oil containment scenario. Therefore, the vessel?s production system is designed for these two primary operating cases: EWT and early production?30,000 bopd, 30% water cut heavy oil-capable (< 20oAPI) compliant with all export specifications. Oil containment?100,000 bpd, total fluids, or 100,000 bopd, or 70,000 bopd plus 30,000 bwpd 200 MMcfgd compliant with all safety specifications. The vessel is compatible with existing subsea capture and containment systems, and it could potentially install them, as well. Among some of the drillship?s other attributes, it has a double-hull structure, built to DNV ICE Class C. There are also identical bow and stern sections for B 90o heading changes, Fig. 2. The vessel has two moonpools, one for drilling, and the second for subsea work and production. Accommodation is also upgradable to 240 personnel. Aker Solutions supplied a complete drilling package for the ship. Wärtsilä also delivered an integrated power and control solution. The package includes a power station, power distribution, integrated control system, electrical propulsion system, AC drives for drilling applications, and pumps for the engine room, ballast and seawater, and fire water. The Dalian Developer was constructed at Cosco shipyard in Dalian, China. It has been undergoing commissioning. Odfjell Drilling?s Project Management Team and Operation Preparation Team have supported the owners and the original project team to secure delivery and mobilization of the unit for drilling operations. Multi-functional semisubmersible readies for first project. The Island Innovator is a sixth-generation semisubmersible that is capable of drilling and conducting well intervention work, Fig. 3. Built for Norwegian shipowners (Marine Accurate Well ASA, aka Maracc), the vessel is managed by Odfjell Drilling for operation, project follow-up and marketing. During the last three years, safety, evaluation procedures and well control have been ?shored up? quite a bit. Whether mandated by governmental officials, or instituted by the industry, these advancements in the technology that have been implemented on most of the deepwater rigs have improved their safety and efficiency. NEW RIG DESIGNS Several recent concepts are covered in this section. They include three drillships, a semisubmersible and a SWATH vessel.Dalian Developer?a versatile, immense drillship. Dalian Developer is the world?s largest, most versatile drillship and field development vessel. The vessel is classified as a sixth-generation drillship for operation in ultra-deepwater and harsh environments. On behalf of the owner, Dalian Deepwater Developer, Ltd., Odfjell Drilling serves as manager for the vessel. Vantage Drilling was contracted to supervise, on behalf of the owner, the construction management and supervision (engineering, construction, commissioning) of the drillship. Commissioning of Dalian Developer for drilling operations will finish sometime this year. The new unit has been configured initially as a drilling asset, but it has been designed to accommodate other development activities, such as extended well testing (EWT) and early production, Fig. 1. As a fully functioning drillship, the Dalian Developer can be deployed successfully and utilized fully in normal drilling mode, in virtually any deepwater drilling region, worldwide. The unit has the capability to carry out dual-gradient drilling and underbalanced drilling, and it can drill while performing a well intervention. The vessel also can drill appraisal wells while testing, and drill development wells while producing.
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25-Oct-2013 15:57
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25-Oct-2013 15:23
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全 球 海 洋 工 程 产 业 呈 现 向 中 国 转 移 趋 势          新 华 网 大 连 1 0 月 2 3 日 电   继 中 远 船 务 工 程 集 团 有 限 公 司 为 新 加 坡 E n e r g y D r i l l i n g 公 司 设 计 建 造 的 海 洋 辅 助 钻 井 船 E d r i l l - 1 ( N 4 9 0 ) 顺 利 下 水 之 后 , 该 公 司 日 前 又 获 得 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 等 订 单 。 公 司 总 经 理 王 宇 航 表 示 , 最 近 一 两 年 中 国 海 工 产 业 发 展 迅 速 , 全 球 海 洋 工 程 产 业 呈 现 向 中 国 转 移 的 趋 势 。       随 着 全 球 海 工 产 业 向 中 国 转 移 , 依 靠 持 续 旺 盛 的 海 洋 工 程 装 备 需 求 以 及 中 国 发 展 海 工 产 业 的 优 势 , 中 国 海 洋 工 程 产 业 大 有 可 为 。       王 宇 航 说 , 目 前 中 远 船 务 已 在 大 连 、 南 通 、 舟 山 、 广 东 、 上 海 等 多 家 船 厂 开 展 海 工 业 务 , 开 工 建 造 的 海 工 项 目 超 过 3 0 个 , 打 破 了 欧 美 、 韩 国 和 新 加 坡 等 国 对 市 场 的 垄 断 。 去 年 , 中 远 船 务 海 工 产 业 共 实 现 销 售 收 入 9 0 亿 元 , 明 年 有 望 实 现 1 4 0 亿 元 。       随 着 全 球 产 业 转 移 步 伐 的 加 快 , 目 前 海 工 装 备 制 造 部 分 已 经 基 本 从 欧 美 转 移 到 亚 洲 国 家 。 韩 国 和 新 加 坡 两 强 并 立 , 分 别 占 全 球 市 场 份 额 的 3 7 % 和 2 7 % , 而 中 国 和 巴 西 近 年 来 已 表 现 出 很 强 的 追 赶 势 头 。       有 数 据 表 明 : 从 2 0 1 3 年 初 截 止 到 8 月 底 , 全 球 共 成 交 了 4 9 座 平 台 , 9 月 之 后 预 计 还 会 产 生 2 0 座 平 台 。 平 台 主 要 以 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 为 主 , 其 中 , 中 国 承 接 2 8 座 , 首 次 超 过 了 新 加 坡 。       大 连 船 舶 重 工 集 团 海 洋 工 程 有 限 公 司 总 经 理 殷 学 林 说 , 新 加 坡 在 半 潜 式 钻 井 平 台 和 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 建 造 领 域 具 有 传 统 优 势 , 但 目 前 正 受 到 来 自 中 国 的 挑 战 。       他 说 , 以 大 连 船 舶 重 工 集 团 海 洋 工 程 有 限 公 司 成 功 承 建 世 界 排 名 前 三 的 深 水 钻 井 公 司 挪 威 S e a d r i l l 公 司 两 座 平 台 为 标 志 , 国 际 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 的 建 造 中 心 向 中 国 转 移 , 中 国 已 经 具 备 了 同 新 加 坡 老 牌 船 厂 同 台 竞 争 的 实 力 。       大 连 船 舶 重 工 集 团 海 洋 工 程 有 限 公 司 主 要 产 品 是 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 , 已 达 到 世 界 先 进 水 平 , 自 2 0 0 3 年 以 来 , 已 有 1 8 座 交 付 使 用 。 目 前 , 公 司 手 持 订 单 2 0 座 。       殷 学 林 表 示 , 公 司 自 主 设 计 的 4 0 0 英 尺 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 已 经 进 入 国 际 市 场 。 现 在 , 中 国 生 产 的 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 已 经 占 到 世 界 总 产 量 的 一 半 左 右 。       王 宇 航 认 为 , 韩 国 和 新 加 坡 在 海 工 装 备 制 造 领 域 的 霸 主 、 垄 断 地 位 将 面 临 中 国 等 发 展 中 国 家 的 挑 战 。 同 时 , 欧 美 发 达 国 家 与 发 展 中 国 家 在 海 工 装 备 制 造 领 域 的 技 术 合 作 将 更 加 广 泛 和 深 入 , 这 也 是 未 来 海 工 市 场 发 展 的 重 要 特 征 之 一 。       王 宇 航 表 示 , 中 国 有 良 好 的 基 础 设 施 , 包 括 中 远 船 务 在 内 的 几 个 船 厂 均 在 高 技 术 含 量 装 备 上 取 得 一 定 的 成 果 , 具 备 向 高 端 海 洋 装 备 方 向 发 展 的 条 件 。 此 外 , 中 国 越 来 越 多 的 设 备 供 应 商 或 合 资 企 业 都 在 向 海 洋 装 备 发 展 , 这 会 使 国 产 化 的 比 例 越 来 越 高 。   |
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25-Oct-2013 13:53
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I want to Thanks Samson for replying to the missing info. Salute- cheers. 
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Senior |
25-Oct-2013 13:04
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Samson did give a lot of articles which is good for reading. As for the missing for cancellation, it up to individual to do their homework
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25-Oct-2013 12:55
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Why COSCO Dalian Shipyard a $ 500 million drilling ship withdrawals ? In 2011 the drilling ship cost Us$500 million , if owners canacell , now can buy two drilling ship . may be owners  ask he other drilling company to buy half price from cosco . ( us $250 million) COSCO Corporation (Singapore) Limited Board has announced that its subsidiary, COSCO Dalian Shipyard ( Location  Reviews  News  Job ) on July 22, 2010 with Dalian Deepwater Development Limited, a value of over 500 million U.S. dollars of DP3 deepwater drillship ( ship  shipyard  sale ) signed a turnkey EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contract. The Board wishes to announce that shipowners on August 5, 2013 to Dalian COSCO notice to terminate the contract on the grounds that the vessel suspected of late delivery, now largely completed the construction of the ship. September 5, 2013, the owner Dalian Deepwater Development Limited submitted to the Court of Arbitration in London claiming refund request contract amount $ 110 million down payment and interest, losses, damages thus caused further loss of long-term compensation for other losses and expenses . October 7, 2013, COSCO Dalian Shipyard shipowners refused to settle the matter without bias suggestions. COSCO Dalian COSCO has informed investment, the court appointed legal adviser to London to actively deal with the related arbitration. Meanwhile, COSCO Dalian Shipyard received notice of termination of the contract the shipowner, a number of buyers expressed interest in the rig. Given the current stage is still in the arbitration proceedings, the arbitration ultimate financial impact on the company in the current difficult to quantify. In this issue, the company will release significant developments. |
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25-Oct-2013 12:07
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25-Oct-2013 11:52
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中 远 船 务 获 多 艘 新 船 订 单 广 东 中 远 船 务 从 一 家 总 部 设 在 新 加 坡 的 欧 洲 船 东 公 司 获 得 2 艘 4200DWT 平 台 供 应 船 订 单 , 预 计 2015 年 第 三 季 度 交 付 , 该 合 同 还 包 括 2 艘 同 类 型 PSV 备 选 订 单 。 同 时 , 广 东 中 远 船 务 从 新 加 坡 一 家 船 东 公 司 获 得 2 艘 PSV 订 单 , 预 计 2015年 第 一 季 度 交 付 , 该 合 同 还 有 6 艘 备 选 订 单 。 舟 山 中 远 船 务 与 一 家 英 国 船 东 公 司 签 订 4 艘 64000DWT 散 货 船 建 造 订 单 , 这 是 2012 年 与 该 公 司 签 订 2 艘 64000 吨 散 货 船 建 造 订 单 的 后 续 订 单 , 这 4 艘 船 分 别 安 排 在 2014年 下 半 年 和 2015 年 上 半 年 交 付 , 该 合 同 另 附 2 艘 船 的 备 选 订 单 。 据 了 解 , 先 期 签 订 的 两 艘 船 舶 建 造 顺 利 , 目 前 均 已 下 水 。 此 外 , 中 远 船 务 近 日 还 获 得 1座 价 值 2 亿 美 元 的 半 潜 式 生 活 平 台 订 单 , 安 排 在 启 东 中 远 海 工 建 造 。 该 订 单 是 中 远 船 务 第 二 次 获 得 此 项 订 单 , 双 方 第 一 个 订 单 于 2012 年 底 生 效 , 目 前 正 在 启 东 中 远 海 工 建 造 。 此 次 签 订 的 半 潜 式 生 活 平 台 总 长 104.5 米 , 主 甲 板 宽 度 65 米 , 可 变 载 荷 4500 吨 , 甲 板 面 积 1500 平 方 米 , 可 容 纳 500 人 同 时 居 住 , 入 DNV 船 级 社 |
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25-Oct-2013 11:26
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Cosco can manufacturing all type of vessal 1.) COSCO Zhoushan first started manufacturing 152,000 tons shuttle tankers August 5, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard ( location  Comments  News  Job ) for Norwegian KNUTSEN SHUTTLE TANKER 19 AS first ship built 152,000 tons shuttle tanker began. 2.)COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard completed three container ship conversion project July 19, " Outlaw" wheel at COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard ( Location  Reviews  News  Job ) to complete all modification work, scheduled to sail. So far, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard is to fly to France company implementation 8200TEU series container ship ( ship  yard  sale ) Conversion Project bulbous bow perfect ending. 3.)COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard has received four orders PSV It is reported that COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard ( Location  Reviews  News  Job ) Engineering Co., Ltd. has successfully received a four UT771CDL PSV orders. This is the formation of COSCO Zhoushan sea and Industry to undertake since the first marine equipment construction project is its offshore fields into an important symbol. The project is a PSV COSCO Zhoushan first completely independent production design, and fully in accordance with the offshore marine construction project mode. UT771CDL PSV ship in project scope, technical difficulty, difficult to manage, schedule requirements, etc. should be higher than the market other similar ship, the ship has such flexibility, carrying capacity, the economy is good, easy to dock in the offshore supply and so on. Currently, PSV project organized and formal operation, in accordance with offshore project management, preparation of guidelines to complete the construction, project management, quality management and safety management program files, schedule the delivery of new vessels in the first half of 2014. It is understood that late last year, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard from a Hong Kong Shipowners get four UT771CDL type platform supply vessel ( ship  yard  sale ) (PSV) orders, while a number of the same type PSV alternative orders ship in six months to take effect. COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard received this year, has accumulated new marine vessel 8, including 152,000 dwt shuttle tanker 1, 50,000 ~ 80,000 tons FPSO floating storage and processing vessels 1, 4000 PSV 4-ton ships, 150 m pipelay barge a 2-ton 160 m water barge ( ship  yard  sale ) ship one, then another new 64,000 dwt bulk carrier ( ship  yard  sale ) 2. 4.)drilling rigs Edrill-1 October 15 morning, Guangdong COSCO Singapore Energy Drilling Company designed and built the first ship marine auxiliary drilling rigs Edrill-1 (N490) was launched successfully. Shipowners chairman Mr. Stale Rod, CEO Mr. Marcus Chew, Mayong Town, Dongguan City, party secretary Chen Chi, ABS classification society Greater China director Tanhao Ming, COSCO Shipyard operating headquarters, Dongguan City Science and Technology Bureau, attended launching ceremony, witnessed this important moment in history. 5.)Guangdong COSCO Shipyard Offshore platform supply vessels operating Views: 143 Date :2013 -10-23     October 21 afternoon, the Guangdong COSCO Shipyard built by the Dutch VROON.BV first two offshore platform supply vessels N569 started. ABS classification society representatives, ship construction supervision team and Guangdong COSCO Shipyard offshore project team members witnessed this important moment. The platform length of 83.4 m, width 18 m, depth 8 m design draft 6.7 m, speed 14.5 deck area of 830 square meters, deadweight of 4200 tons, equipped with DP2 dynamic positioning system. VROON.BV company in the Netherlands a strong shipping company to transport special ship for the main business, with ocean engineering vessels, livestock vessels, car carriers and so many different hull vessels of more than 160 vessels. COSCO Shipyard expansion in Guangdong specialty shipbuilding business, the two sides established a good relationship of cooperation. Currently, VROON.BV company has four livestock vessels, two offshore platform supply vessel COSCO Shipyard construction project in Guangdong, where a livestock ship has been delivered, the other projects are planned in an orderly manner. (Chen Shusheng Executive sub) 6.) bulk carrier 7.) COSCO Shipyard access to domestic first large luxury cruise ship conversion project Views: 429 Date :2013 -10-16 October 15, COSCO Holdings Company Limited in Shanghai and signed QE2 luxury liner " Queen Elizabeth II" sign (" QE2" ) modified five-star floating hotel project. The project will be an COSCO COSCO Zhoushan responsible for implementing. This is the first to undertake the COSCO Shipyard cruise modification projects, but also Chinese shipyards first implementation of large cruise ship conversion project is Chinese shipyards successfully enter the international cruise market modification landmark project. Excise collar, COSCO Shipyard Group, Dubai Drydocks World, QE2 Holdings company executives, as well as from the shipping industry, tourism, hotel operators internationally renowned guests, a total of 100 people attended the signing ceremony of the day's program modification. " Queen Elizabeth II" cruise ship on its legendary 40-year operational career, played host to kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers and celebrities. Soon, she will leave Dubai, UAE, to those in China COSCO Zhoushan in Zhejiang Province, in a thorough restoration and improvement is expected in 2015 to complete all conversion projects. Ship existing 990 staterooms will be transformed for the 400 area ranged between 60-150 m2 Superior Suite. COSCO Shipyard will be responsible for all technical maintenance, alteration and coordination, the designated contractor will be re-cabin interior, banquet hall, seven restaurants, 10 lounges, a theater, a maritime museum showing the history and QE2 a mall. The near future, " Queen Elizabeth II" sign will become Asia's first-tier cities symbolizes luxury, magnificent, high-quality cruise cultural landmarks and tourist destination.   QE2 Holdings Corporation and Dubai Drydocks World, Mr. Chairman Khamis Juma Buamim, QE2 cruise fame and legendary history is unmatched. She has become a coordinate maritime history, is the best in the world, one of the most powerful ship. Therefore, the choice of partners is critical. We are very pleased with the COSCO Shipyard in the round of technical maintenance and refurbishment process closely. Deputy General Manager of COSCO Shipyard expressed Yan Chengxiang, QE2 Holdings choose COSCO Shipyard as a partner of the project, reflecting COSCO brand and position in the industry. COSCO Shipping will attach great importance to the implementation of cooperation projects, arranging excellent management, technology, production team to implement, build first-class products, to provide satisfactory services to ensure the smooth implementation of the project and success. (Jiang Yusheng)
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25-Oct-2013 10:34
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YZJ all seems good BUT Cosco having little problem........... can share Cosco's problem ? Its obvious you hold a lot of Cosco shares............but do be fair to readers of your post.....................  |
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Master |
25-Oct-2013 10:31
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Samson why never highlighted the most recent cancellation of a huge order..........about   USD500++   Million   of Cosco ?   Can you also share with us some negative news and impact not only the good ones................   Do be fair   if you wants to promote Cosco............don't just show the positive ones...........but also the real nagative ones so that lookers acan have more well informed decision.............there are news a bout a huge order cancellation recently.................... I also wants to know exactly what it was and how it'll impact Coscvo financially...........  Thanks  |
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